Thursday, October 14, 2021


2.Do: Do you like learning English? Yes. 
3.Did you not learn how to walk? Yes.
 4.Was it difficult to do? N0.
  1.  5.Did I not tell you ,it is the easiest thing to do? Yes.
 6.Do not feel uneasy. 
7.Do not think you can’t do it. 
8.Think always you can do it.
 9.Surely and certainly you can really do it .
10. I do want you to know that I am real well-wisher. 
11. Do write to me, If you do come across any problem.
 12. Do I not care how you fare? Yes. I do.
13. Did I not tell you that you can learn English in an easy way?
.You did. 
14. Did we not do well to learn English? Yes. We did.
15. Does he come to your office often? No.
 16. Did she ring up yesterday? Yes.
 17. Can you find all the two letter words in this?
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  1. Write to me or send me a mail to help you and guide you.
  2. I am ready and always willing.
  3. My mail is:
  4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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