Sunday, March 13, 2022


  • How one can be creative?
  • He must be innovative and work differently.
  • Does success need creativity?
  • Yes.
  • Who are all expected to be creative?
  • The painter, the writer and the scientist.
  • How does an achiever look?
  • Something different from the ordinary man.
  • What are all required for creativity?
  •  The vision, 
  • The skill.
  • The motivation.
  • Proper utilization  of available resources.
  • Right and persistent execution
  • And a proper plan.
  • What has man learnt from the past?
  • To use the natural resources more intelligently.
  • To bring about a change in the environment.
  • To build  artistic things in various patterns.
  • To improve and increase his awareness.
  • To make the planet a decent place to live in.
  • To know the world is always changing.
  • To know widening  cultural knowledge.
  • To know more about the development of science and technology.
  • To get rid of the monotonous  work by devising various methods.
  • On what does success depend?
  • More on creativity or the creative nature.

  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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