Sunday, September 25, 2022



The mount of Lord Vishnu, among birds I am Garuda exclaims Lord Krishna in Bagawath Geetha..

In the Kularnava Tantram, Lord Shiva says to Mother Goddess:

Shaive tattva parijyAnam gArude vishabhakshanam |
Jyotishe grahanam sAram kaulehanugrahanigrahau ||

Visha Bhakshanam- Consumption of poison. That is, the so-called Garuda scriptures grant the power by which one can digest even poison (Visha)

Anugraha Shakti- The power of bestowing grace. This is one of the powers that God and Guru have.

Nigraha Shakti- The power of subjugation or controlling. This also is one of the powers that God and Guru have.

Once Garuda attacked the snakes which had, by resort to trickery and deceit, enslaved Garuda’s mother.

Garuda’s sharp beak, his talons and his teeth strike fear in the hearts of the snakes.

 Garuda goes out against all snakes and so fierce is he that Surya begins to fear that he might be in danger of losing his horses, because the bridle used to control 

them is a snake! 

But he takes consolation from the fact that one of his charioteers is Aruna, Garuda’s brother.

Lord Siva has a bow, called the Pinaaka, the string of which is the snake Vasuki. 

So Shiva’s worry is that if Vasuki is disturbed, He will be without a bow! 

Lord Narayana reclines on the serpent Adisesha and He too requests Garuda not to disturb His serpent bed.

The power of his wings making way for him to enter the netherworld making eight important snakes as his ornaments.

Even Today Garuda Mantra is used to subdue the effects of poison in one’s body for snake bites.

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