Saturday, November 4, 2023


  1. Whenever you visit India, You can roam around your city and feed THE POOR. .
  2. you can give away small bags of rice,vegetables, oil etc.. to a poor family.
  3.  people and 1 hour a day would be more than enough to feed 10–20 people.
  4. You can give money to a LOCAL temple which is feeding poor people. 
  5. you can give away books to them.
  6. you can help them by buying stuff from the people who are selling on the road by paying a higher price.
  7. you can take old clothes , shoes , toys from the USA to INDIA and give them to them.
  8. you can adopt one family and help them to make sure their kids will be able to have a decent life.
  9. The government should allow orphan kids to work but make sure that they are getting paid as well as they are getting basic education.
  10. Spend some time with the kids on the road and talk to them, understand the feel and what issues they are facing. That will tell you enough about how to help them.
  11. Easy and convenient ways:
    1. Donations
    Find at curated list of donation opportunities at www. Giveindia. Org
      takes the onus of verifying the credibility  On themselves.

    2. Micro Finance Loans
    Milaap, RangDe, et al.  let you do it on the Internet with mere few clicks.

    Effort Intensive ways:
    Study the country situation, read, take first hand stock, use your knowledge and contacts apart from your money to solve/help solve problems. Also, Inspire other people to do their bit.

    Both are excellent ways of contributing..Do the best you can and are willing to.

  12. 1).Help the poor student by giving them your old books.

    2).You can let go that extra blanket in your wardrobe, humanity needs it.

    3).Have low self esteem, they wish for a better life - leave them feeling valued even if you don't have a dime to offer, don't give that awkward look when they ask for money.

    4).When travelling somewhere,keep stack of biscuits in your car,many kids ask for money in traffic signals,instead give them biscuits that can feed their hunger.

    5) You buy a movie ticket worth Rs.300 at the cinema - the poor doesn't have such surplus.

    Humans are everywhere but only few of them are Humane

  13. You can invite them to spend some time with you alone.

    1. Help the poor students by teaching them on weekends. Give your old books .
    2. You can give your clothes . ( Even the used clothes can be given because they do not have those even)
    3. What I do is , I cut short my personal unnecessary expenses , and try to help with that small amount.( Karke dekho , Accha lagta hai )
    4. The American Indian Foundation (AIF) is a good platform for this purpose. I have seen some of their projects helping poorer people in India which are funded by middle- or upper-middle class Indians who live in the US. 
    5. THEY have good people managing these projects at the local level.

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